Jessie fell in love with Ms. Carissa the very first day of class (of course it was in Ms. Carissa's favor that she was wearing hot pink dance leggings with slits all up and down the sides, which Jessie couldn't stop talking about the rest of the day!)
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Rapunzel dance class
Jessie took a six week long dance class at the Chilson Center with Ms. Carissa. All the dances were choreographed to music from "Tangled" and Jessie had so much fun at each and every class. The last day she was very moody and wasn't sure she wanted to perform in front of the parents. She used every excuse in the book not to go to class (she hates dance, her tights are too itchy, she never wants to see Ms. Carissa again, it's too boring, she's always thirsty in class, I'm just a stinkin mama, etc. but in the end she decided to go). Of course once she was there and it was "showtime" she gave the audience a great performance.