Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day 2012

In honor of Earth Day, we made our annual rounds of the neighborhood collecting trash along the way. 

Of course, Jessie did anything she could to avoid helping the effort:  eating a lollipop,

making wishes on dandelions,

and sneaking into our neighborhood park for a quick swing.

Rian wanted to keep some of her trash "finds" for herself, but we persuaded her to put them in the garbage or recycling can where they belonged.

Everyone started losing a bit of steam towards the end....

But they were all proud of how full their bags were at the end of our patrol.

Happy Earth Day!

The little oak seedling Hayden planted according to their very specific directions.  She made sure to plant it 15 feet away from any other tree or shrub and measured the depth of the hole before planting it.  She also made a chart to track it's growing progress!