Monday, April 16, 2012

Denver Museum of Nature and Science

The older girls had the day off of school so we thought it was the perfect opportunity for us to head to the Museum of Nature and Science in Denver to see the Snakes and Lizards Exhibit Hayden has been wanting to explore since it arrived in February.

The girls looking at some snake vertebrae, rattles, and skins. Everyone picked up the rattles and shook them to hear how they sounded. 

Monitor lizard.

The Burnese python was absolutely huge.

Green tree snake.

Red spitting cobra.
After the exhibit, Hayden had to buy a large stuffed snake (with her own money of course) from the gift shop, where Jessie and Rian couldn't leave without a mood snake necklace each, and then we headed to the cafeteria to eat our lunch. We spent the afternoon in the "Human Body" experience before heading home, where I was very thankful that we do not have any snakes of our own!