Friday, April 6, 2012

Hayden's 11th Birthday- what??????

Hayden is 11 years old.  This is absolutely impossible for me to believe.  How did this happen and when did Mike and I get so OLD???  In two short months, I will have a middle schooler on my hands.  Unbelievable.  Happy Birthday Hayden- we love you more than anything!  You are so smart and confident and willing to tackle anything that comes your way.  You always amaze us with your natural curiosity about nature and reptiles, your empathy, and your ability to excel at everything you set your mind to.  You are the sweetest big sister and our beautiful and loving daughter. Every day we feel so lucky to have you.   xoxoxoxo

Rian decorated your gift bag with a picture and wrote, "Hayden, You Rock" on the outside of it.  Inside the bag was your gift- a rock!!!

Gifts from Aunt Jody.

Gift card from Kathy Amundson.

Oh la la.  High heels for Easter/5th Grade Graduation.

A keyboard for your Ipad!

 A fun "not-so-family-friendly" game.

Haydens day started out happy early in the morning with phone calls from Grandma, Grandpa, Grandpa Thomas, and Joan.  We sang to her over a breakfast of "healthy brownies" and sent her on her way.  She also had a great day at school on her birthday.   Jessie and I went and took her out to Smashburger for lunch, and there was an ice cream party in her classroom in the afternoon that she herself earned for the entire class for having earned the most AR points for the quarter- a whopping 340 when only 20 are required.

Dad surprised Hayden with a special Birthday dinner of smoked pork ribs with BBQ sauce- her favorite!