Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trip to South Carolina to visit Kate

I did something this weekend that I've never done before- I left all three girls in the loving and very capable hands of my husband and travelled by my lonesome (though I would describe my trip as anything but lonely :) to Charleston, S.C. to see my good buddy Kate.  It had been five years since we had hung out at her wedding, and we were both very excited to catch up on each other's lives.  I was also very excited to meet her kiddos, Jake (2 1/2) and Averie (1). 

Our friendship was solidified during college over food (we made a habit of eating at every all-you-can-eat pasta buffet in San Diego County back in the day) and we wasted no time getting back into our friendship comfort zone- first stop:  Roti Rolls Food Truck! 

I was naive as to the food truck craze- apparently these things are popping up in every city across America. Kate had been following all the food trucks on Twitter and Facebook, and was delighted when we stumbled across Roti Rolls in the parking lot of a produce market.

Eating at Battery Park- Kate got some sort of burger wrapped in fry bread.

I ordered the Buddha Bowl- and although I wasn't sure exactly what was in it, it was delicious!

Battery park- where all the ammunition was stored during the Civil War.

After the park, we walked along the water and took some pictures of the houses along the way.  The architecture along Battery Row was amazing.

We spent the rest of the afternoon walking along the shops of downtown Charleston.  And we even stopped in one of the candy shops for some warm, fresh pralines.  Delicious!

In the evening, we went to pick Scott up from work at NBC Channel 2 News Station in Downtown Charleston.  I was lucky enough to get a tour of the studio from the News Director himself- Scott!!!

The view of Ravenel Bridge from the roof of the news station.

Dinner at a delicious Thai restaurant.

The Beach at Sullivan's Island.  It was a chilly day but the beach itself was beautiful.  Jake played a mean game of baseball (boy, that kid has a good arm!) and Averie had fun walking on the sand. We sauntered over to the beach after stuffing ourselves with another delicious meal- this time jamacian jerk tacos and mahi mahi tacos- all smothered with different fattening, mouth-watering sauces.

The Big Walker.

The ball player.

Me and Kate.

The Flannigans.

Me and Miss Averie.

Despite the rain, we went and toured the U.S.S. Yorktown. We even got free admission thanks to one of Scott's contacts from work. It was open cockpit day, so Jake had fun sitting inside the pilot's seat of a fighter jet. It was a great glimpse into history for Kate and I, who aren't exactly savvy on some of the history of our country!

The last day of my visit we went and toured Middleton Place.  The plantation was first settled in the late 17th century and was acquired by Henry Middleton through his marriage to Mary Williams.  For 125 years the property was owned by four successive generations of Middletons who played important roles in American history.  It has remained under the same family stewardship for over 300 years! 

Overlooking the Reflection Pool.

We took a self-guided walking tour of the Gardens and the Plantation Stableyards.  It was a beautiful, sunny, clear day- but very chilly!  It warmed up after about the first hour of our trek and it was so enjoyable to be outside and experience such beauty around us. 

The trails weren't exactly "stroller friendly" but Kate was up to the challenge and ready for a workout!

The House Museum.

A view inside the Carriage House.

Soap hanging up to dry.

The Stableyards.

Making barrels to store rice and carry water.

The slaves' quarters.

A lesson in pottery making.

A bunch of silly gooses.

A fancy lunch of fried chicken, collard greens, and the best pumpkin pie before heading to the airport! Thanks, Kate, for an amazing visit!!!