Saturday, February 11, 2012

OMS Open House Tournament 2012

Hayden participated in her fifth annual OMS tournament.  As she's moved up the ranks, the competition has gotten tougher.  This year she took the bronze in forms and gold in sparring.  It was a fun day full of excitment and a bit of the butterflies!

Christina doing Kycho Ilbo.

Hayden waiting to do Tae-Geuk Pal Jang.

Mariah, Reba, Hayden and Haley.

Sparring against Haley.  It was a close two rounds, but Hayden ended up scoring more points and had to go on to spar against the black belt, Casey.

Hayden and Casey.

Hayden ended up with a Bronze in Forms and a Gold in Sparring.  All the students did well, showed amazing energy and sportsmanship, and had a really good time.