Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day 2012

Each of the girls had a Valentine's Party at school.  There was more sugar, food dye, Valentine's cards, streamers and excitement than I could handle!  Everyone had a great day!!

Jessie's Valentine's Bag.

Passing out the Valentines with Ms. Jenny's help.

Playing "Who stole my Valentine?".

Making smoothies with Quincy and Maddox.

Making fruit kabobs.

Colley and Hayden- who else?????

RiRi and Sage.

Each of the girls got bubble gum, nail polish and lip gloss from us.  And staying with our yearly tradition, everyone received a construction paper heart from each member in the family with a sentimental message written on it. Jessie's heart from Rian read "You are the best American Girl doll player in the world."  They were all thoughtful and sweet messages again this year.

Daddy reading his heart to Jessie.

Goodies from the Amundsons!

Kathy Amundson gave the girls a surprise gift-

Taylor Swift's autograph!!!!

They all took turns holding it- Jessie wasn't too thrilled at being last!

What an AWESOME surprise!! After many discussions as to where to display the cherished autograph, it was decided it would rotate between each girl's dresser- one week at each.

 And Daddy gave Mom some beautiful roses this year!!! Mom gave him some Kuhl brand workout shorts, but for some reason he didn't want to model them for a picture!