Saturday, March 17, 2012

What a naughty Li'l Leprechaun

Hayden and Rian spent quite awhile planning and setting up an elaborate trap to catch a leprechaun before St. Patrick's Day.  Unfortunately, the only one to wind up in the trap was Rian's kitten, Sugar! But apparently, the leprechaun had a few tricks of his own....

He knocked chairs over throughout the house and helped himself to one of Rian's cookies and a glass of milk. (Notice it turned green after he drank from the glass)

He used Jessie's toothbrush.

He didn't flush after using the potty- gross!

He also left a trail of toilet paper throughout the upstairs hallway!

The trap had been deployed, but alas- no leprechaun inside! At least as a consolation, he scattered gold chocolate coins throughout the house....... Better luck next year....