Saturday, December 10, 2011

Taekwondo testing- Fall Quarter

After having been out late every night all week due to working on the Robin Hood play, Hayden had to get up early Saturday morning for the most grueling Taekwondo testing yet.  It was a three hour test designed to see which black belt candidates would be ready to test for their black belts this June.  Master Skip Leanord flew in from California to help the other examiners in their decision. Hayden was exhausted, and also VERY nervous! Unfortunately, I took mostly videos, so I didn't get many pictures. I did get a couple of Hayden and Mariah sparring.  But I missed out on Hayden sparring against two attackers because I was videoing it instead.  It was all great fun to watch.   Hayden did great on all the areas they tested her in: Forms (all 16 of them), Hapkido, Sparring, Kicks, Blocks, 11 Basic Stances, and Breaking.  She had to do a two station break this time- a side kick followed by a spinning hook kick.  By this point in the journey, there is so much information to remember, I don't know how she does it!


Everyone was relieved once it was all over and the eight students who tested (4 black belts and 4 black belt candidates) posed for a picture with the instructors. And Master Leonard gave his blessing for all four black belt candidates to test for their black belts this June!