Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Little Elf Party and Christmas Around the World

Wednesday was the girls' last day of school before Winter Break.  We started the afternoon with a Little Elf party in Mrs. Themm's Kindergarten class. The kids went around to different stations making different mini-size treats- the perfect size for little elves.  They made mini frosted donuts out of honeycomb cereal, frosting and sprinkes, mini Christmas wreaths out of bagels, cream cheese and green shredded coconut, tiny milkshakes made in baby food jars, etc. The kids had so much fun going from station to station and eating to their heart's content. 
The snack table for grown-ups.

Rian, Connor, Lilly and Seth making mini frosted donuts.

Making little elf hats using bugles and spray cheese out of a can (much to my dismay!) Rian had never heard of such a thing before and could hardly believe you could really eat such a thing.

Kendall and Helen

Rian's edible wreath.

Mini snack mix station.

Mike and I stopped by to see Hayden and her BFF Colley at the 5th grade party where the kids were eating a lot of not-so-healthy treats and watching "Home Alone" before singing karaoke, and although Hayden said she really wanted us there, it was clear after a few minutes that we were being ignored and our presence wasn't really required after all!  We then headed back down to the kindergarten room where we were a bit more appreciated!

After school, we had time to run home and change clothes before heading out to Jessie's preschool program at Ellis Ranch.  Ellis Ranch is only about 10 minutes outside of Loveland, headed up towards Estes Park, but with the blizzard we were hit with, it took us forever to get there and the roads were completely treacherous.  We couldn't see a thing and almost missed the Ranch entirely because the road you had to turn down to get there wasn't visible due to all the snow!   Once we finally made it, everyone had a grand time.  The theme was Christmas Around the World, so each preschooler dressed up to represent the country of their choice.  Little J. of course picked Vietnam!!

Everyone brought a dish from the country they were representing (we brought a chicken curry dish with jammine rice) and enjoyed a nice dinner with family and school friends before the program.

Jessie ditched us to sit by her good buddy Jordan.

Jessie and Jordan

Hayden sporting her new glasses.

The Boo Bear.

The program was very cute and entertaining.  The kids did songs and dances of Christmas songs from around the world.  Jessie took her job very seriously and you could tell all the kids had really practiced.

Jessie was paired up with her pal Tayteum and they danced and twirled each other around for an entire song.  All the kids had such a good time.

After the performance, there was a guest appearance by the Big Man himself, but Jessie wanted nothing to do with him and wouldn't even get close enough to Santa to get a picture of him in the same frame as her.  The girls grabbed some cookies and we headed out, and luckily the snow had stopped by that time and we were able to find our way home.