Friday, December 9, 2011

Robin and Robin Hood

As if her scedule wasn't already full enough, Hayden decided to add the 5th grade play to her list of commitments.  Luckily, she chose to be more of a "behind the scenes" player, rather than one of the main actors.  She was in charge of doing all the sound effects throughout the play.  This included making sounds on her own, as well as downloading sound effects onto a CD to play during each scene.  The kids had rehearsal several mornings before school, as well as everyday after school the week before Opening Night.  She had a lot of fun and learned a lot about play production in the process.  After a few minor technical difficulties at the first run through of the show, she had her timing down and her sound effects even brought laughter from the audience at the appropirate times! The 5th graders were in charge of producing the entire play themselves- directing, acting, costumes, set design, managing the microphones, you name it.  Everyone worked really hard, did a fantastic job and had a lot of fun in the process.

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