Thursday, July 18, 2013

Vietnamese Heritage Camp 2013

Every year we look forward to Heritage Camp more and more.  Each time we go, we reconnect with families we met the previous year, as well as meeting new families whose lives have been touched by adoption as well. And the more the girls become familiar with the schedule of activities at camp and the counselors, the more they enjoy it. This year camp was July 18-21 and being in the mountains was a great way to celebrate my birthday while spending time with the girls. The theme for camp this year was Chasing Dragonflies.  Traditionally, the dragonfly is the symbol of transformation and life's ever-constant process of change.

Hayden decided to join the camp activities this year- sometimes she does and sometimes she doesn't.  But this was her first year attending Vietnamese Heritage Camp as a camper.  She had a great time with the other middle-schoolers she met.  

I never get many pictures of the kids actually during camp.  This is because the adults are busy in their own workshops and classes and we don't have the opportunity to see all that goes on with the kids, unless it is during our mandatory volunteering time.  But every evening there is something different going on- a BBQ, ice cream social, carnival/auction night, Opening and Closing ceremonies, etc. so I snap some photos when I can!

Hayden was thrilled to finally meet some friends who were shorter than she was!  These girls were both really sweet and the three of them hung together most of the weekend.  

This is Theresa- she was in Jessie's group at camp.   This picture is from Carnival Night where everyone is encouraged to wear their traditional Vietnamese clothing.  

The kids love playing all the games and collecting little prizes wherever they go.  

Action shot- Rian actually tossed this ping pong ball right into the glass jar in the center.  It was harder than it looks!

One of our favorite counselors that we have known from both Vietnamese and Korean Heritage camps for the past several years.  This is Emily, and she is as sweet and nice as she looks!

This is our other favorite counselor- Sarah- who also happens to be Emily's sister.  

Not sure who this is but Jessie never fails to become fast buddies with the most beautiful Asian women around!

The balloon animal station on Carnival Night was missing a volunteer, so Hayden quickly jumped in and started making up her own balloon animals.  Before long, she had a line of kids in front of her. 

One of the co-founders of Blue Dragon Children's Foundation in Vietnam, Chung, and his adorable baby girl.  We had previously met Chung at a fundraiser, and were very excited to see him again at camp.   

Pretty girl in her green ao dai.  

While I was taking Jessie's picture outside, several of the older girls came over and wanted their picture taken with her. 

She definitely knows how to work a crowd!

Famous musician and fellow Vietnamese adoptee, Jared Rehberg comes to camp every year from NYC and performs for all of us.  So many of his songs are of his own personal adoption journey and really hit home with the audience.  For the past two years he has also been a co-director of the entire camp.  

Jessie and Rian are in the front row watching the performance.

Each group of campers does a special dance on-stage towards the end of the weekend.  This year before they started, they each had to speak into the microphone and tell everyone where they were born.  Jessie said she was born in Da Nang, Vietnam- very proudly I might add. 

Jessie's class showed off some of the skills they had learned during their martial arts class.  

The older girls did a beautiful traditional Vietnamese dance using conical hats and fans as props.  

Two more counselors- for the high school groups.  

Rian made a good friend at camp this year also.  The girls enjoyed the Vietnamese dance, music and cooking classes, as well as the Heart Talks groups and hikes.  Every year we learn something different, but every year what the girls appreciate the most is getting to be around kids who are "just like them".