Friday, July 12, 2013

Butterfly Pavilion with the Jeffries

We decided today would be the perfect day to do something fun indoors in effort to avoid the 100 degree heat.  Our good friends, the Jeffries, were up for a field trip as well- so we headed down to Westminister and met at the Butterfly Pavilion. 

Hayden has always loved this giant preying mantis.

Rian and Jessie were big fans of these pretty butterflies.

Some of the gross, I mean, neat things we saw included several species of tarantulas, scorpians and millipedes from all over the globe.


They also had a working bee hive and several large tanks full of different sea life. 

My girls with Tara and Scarlet.  They have all known each other since Rian was in preschool.  Hands down, everyone's favorite sight of the day was the butterfly exhibit.  We spent hours in there (stepping outside several times to take breaks- as being it was 100 degrees outside, it felt like 120 degrees inside the exhibit!)


Hayden held out her hand and had a couple of butterflies land right on her finger.


Funny that they just lined up youngest to oldest for this Pupation Peek-A-Boo!

Everyone was brave and took their turn holding Rosie the Tarantula. 


What a pro!

After enjoying a nice lunch outside in the shade, we headed back inside to see the butterflies one last time before calling it a day.  I just love summer break!!!