Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Whale Watching

It was our 16th anniversary (since we started dating) on this day, so we wanted to do something special to help celebrate.  We booked a whale watching tour through the Pacific Whale Foundation in Lahaina Harbor.  What an adventure it was!

We took the 9am cruise because we heard that would be the calmest time of day to go.  Even armed with Dramamine, poor Rian wasn't feeling too well by the end of the trip. 




We were told by the scientists aboard the ship that we were following a pod of five male whales that were competing over one female.  They were very frisky and aggressive- jumping up and slapping the water sideways with their tails in order to impress her!



The sight of the whales literally took our breath away.  It was one of the best and most amazing experiences of all our lives.  And I was so glad we splurged on a decent camera right before our trip!





The weather was overcast so it was the perfect day for a whale watching adventure.  On the way back to the harbor, one of the smaller whales must have been following our boat and did a full breach so close to us that we all just stood there speechless.  It was worth travelling to Hawaii just for this experience. Since the trip, I have been "gently" encouraging the girls that one of them should be a marine biologist when they grow up so they can watch whales full-time!