Saturday, December 15, 2012

Kristen and Nic's wedding reception

Kristen has been a very special part of our lives since she was 15 years old.  When Hayden was about a year and a half, Kristen started babysitting for us and quickly became a part of our family.  She was sweet, outgoing, responsible, loving and fun- and truly enjoyed being around our kids.  All three of the girls just love her to pieces.  She babysat for us for over ten years and we truly adore her and the young woman she has become.  We were all very excited to attend her wedding reception in Windsor.  (The actual wedding took place in Punta Cana, but we were unable to make it for obvious reasons!) 


The reception took place in a renovated barn by the Windsor golf course.  Kristen and her mom did all the decorations themselves and they were absolutely gorgeous! 

Her mom made the cake and all the other desserts as well.  I have honestly never tasted a more delicious cupcake!!

By the guest sign in (which was a tree and each guest added their name in the shape of a leaf to one of the branches) there were black and white photos of Kristen and Nic over the years.

Rian was excited to see Kristen in her pretty dress.



The table settings were beautiful. 

Daddy stealing a kiss.




The back of Kristen's dress. 

We didn't get a ton of photos because the DJ had some lights going on and off most of the evening, making all of our pictures turn out blurry. 

The happy and handsome couple. 

Congratulations Kristen, we love you!!!!