Saturday, December 22, 2012

High Tide

We woke up early to look for sea turtles and take some sunrise pictures at our beach.  The tide was high so we had to time it right not to get drenched on our walk to the black rocks where the turtles liked to feed. 



Where's Jessie?  Oh yes, being grumpy and hiding from all of us.

Sweet sisters.

I think I sea a turtle head in there somewhere!
After breakfast, we headed to the Hyatt to walk the gardens- amazingly beautiful!! 

These were the most beautiful gardens any of us had ever seen.


We spent the rest of the afternoon at Ka'anapali Beach, where Hayden learned to body surf.  We made it back to our condo in time for sunset and then watched "A Christmas Story" before bed. 

Mike went a little crazy with our new camera and all the fancy settings.  For all the family photos, he would set the automatic timer to take at least ten pictures in a row in hopes that we wouldn't have to repeat the process over and over again.  It made for some interesting "bloopers".