Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kindergarten Field Day

The day had finally arrived that all the Kindergartener's had been waiting for:  Field Day! For the first time in years, it was actually a nice warm morning and nobody froze even during the water games.  All the kids wore the tye dyed shirts they had made for Graduation and had a blast going around to the different stations.

I didn't know Rian could really hoola hoop!

So could her good buddy, Sage. 

Mom and Jessie, however, had a harder time!

Making her way across the rock wall during an obstacle course.

Trying to catch Sage during a wet version of Duck-Duck-Goose.

Kik and Rian tossing water balloons back and forth.

Seeing who could kick the shoe off their foot the farthest.

That upside down Keen in the distance belongs to Boo, she won!

Frisbee toss.

Everyone loves a good Tug-of-War.

After the games were over, everyone had a family picnic at the park next to school.  What a great way to end the school year.