Thursday, May 31, 2012

Kindergarten Field Day

The day had finally arrived that all the Kindergartener's had been waiting for:  Field Day! For the first time in years, it was actually a nice warm morning and nobody froze even during the water games.  All the kids wore the tye dyed shirts they had made for Graduation and had a blast going around to the different stations.

I didn't know Rian could really hoola hoop!

So could her good buddy, Sage. 

Mom and Jessie, however, had a harder time!

Making her way across the rock wall during an obstacle course.

Trying to catch Sage during a wet version of Duck-Duck-Goose.

Kik and Rian tossing water balloons back and forth.

Seeing who could kick the shoe off their foot the farthest.

That upside down Keen in the distance belongs to Boo, she won!

Frisbee toss.

Everyone loves a good Tug-of-War.

After the games were over, everyone had a family picnic at the park next to school.  What a great way to end the school year.

Friday, May 25, 2012

5th grade mini-field day

The entire 5th grade at McGraw earned an extra field day for all of the "positive points" they accrued throughout the  school year.  The three 5th grade teachers along with many parent volunteers provided the kids with a whole afternoon of fun activities to help celebrate their upcoming graduation.  After a nice picnic lunch with family and friends, the kids were all divided up into different teams, and Hayden was on the Red Team.


The Red Team:  Hayden, Tucker, Ashely, Aaron and Mason

 I didn't get pictures of all the activities because I was volunteering as one of the photographers and running around taking pictures of all the other teams as well, but I was able to capture a few of Miss Hayden and her team.

Passing as many m&m's as possible from plate to plate using plastic spoons.

Seeing which team could keep a hula hoop in motion the longest.

Finding a piece of bazooka gum in the middle of a plate full of whipped cream and blowing a bubble without using any hands.

Sometimes, the paper plate full of whipped cream "mysterisously" flew up in the kids' faces by some adult generated "wind". 

Using water guns to push a ball around an obstacle course.

One of the relay races.

There was also a three legged race, a tricycle race, an egg toss, water balloon games and even a station where the kids had to see who could eat three saltines followed by three giant marshmellows the fastest.  It was a chilly day out, but that didn't interfere with anyone's fun!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Kindergarten Graduation

It is hard to believe the end of the school year is upon us.  It seems like yesterday Rian started Kindergarten, and now it was time to celebrate the end of year and GRADUATE.

A very proud Boo Bear in her graduation cap.

The kids went around and told the parents what they wanted to be when they grew up.  Rian said she wanted to be a teacher. 

The kids sang ABC Rock, Love in Every Language (my favorite), My Home is my Castle 

And the kids' favorite- A Tooty Tah.

After the program, everyone had refreshments and the kids watched the class video that Mrs. Themm had made of pictures taken throughout the year.  It was a very fun afternoon.  Poor Grandpa's shoe- the sole completely disintegrated and it looked like he had a giant pile of cookie crumbs under his chair. He made a quick exit and we just followed the trail of "shoe crumbs" to figure out which way he went!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Spring Piano Recital May 20, 2012

The Spring Piano Recital ws held at Zion Lutheran Church this year.  Ms. Peiffer wasn't happy with the way the piano sounded at Good Samaritan Village last time, so we were at a new venue this time around.  The girls both played fantastically, and Rian was very happy to go first and "get it over with"!

Rian played Yankee Doodle, London Bridges, Ten Little Indians, Aloutte and Pop Goes the Weasel.

Hayden played The Poloetsian Dances, An Ancient Dance and The Tap Dancer.  From the looks of the giant orb above the piano, it appears she may not have been playing alone! 

Joan and Arlen never miss a performance.

And neither do Grandma and Grandpa!

Our wonderful piano teacher, Kathy Peiffer.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jessie's last day of preschool

You with Ms. Jeanine and Ms. Jenny

You had such a wonderful year at preschool this past year.  You made new friends, learned your letters and numbers, practiced your handwriting, and most importantly, you HAD FUN.  For your last day, all the kids brought a sack lunch and everyone walked to the park to play and eat lunch.  Though the start of your last day was NOT the greatest (mom accidentally slammed and locked your pinky finger in the sliding door to her mini-van) you still had fun and ended the school year with a smile. You are growing up so fast, Miss Jessie Cate!  :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

For Mother's Day, I was treated to breakfast in bed along with some wonderful homemade cards, coupon books, and gifts.  Hayden made me a recipe book with some class recipes along with the recipe for the perfect mom, and a soap dispenser with a picture of herself stuck inside and a note that said, Thanks for always helping me out of sticky situations."  Rian painted me a beautiful glass bowl and a handprint painting with a poem, and Jessie gave me a potted petunia in a cup she had decorated.  I was totally spoiled!

The girls (with dad's help) made me sprouted grain toast with almond butter, bacon, strawberries, and green tea.  My favorite!

After breakfast, we headed out to Lyons to hike Rabbit Mountain.  The weather was overcast but warm, and the girls made it a full mile up the mountain before wanting to turn around.

Someone stole a ride for part of the hike down!

After the hike, we headed to lunch and then back home.  I snuck out to the gym while Mike made dinner for all of us and my parents.  A Happy Mother's Day it was! XOXO

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A "friendly" day at the Denver Zoo

Grandma scored us free tickets to the Denver Zoo to see the new elephant exhibit (The Elephant Passage) that wasn't even open to the public yet.  Toyota sponsored the amazing new asian-themed exhibit so we invited our good friends, Triffany, Peyton and Garrett Hammond to meet us for a fun day at the zoo. Hayden was thrilled, as she hadn't seen her good buddies for awhile (they used to be our next door neighbors but moved down to Denver several years ago).  They are the sweetest, most loving and loyal friends Hayden has ever known.  It is always a bittersweet reunion and parting for all of them.

It was a chilly morning, but we didn't mind- it kept the crowds at home and we felt like we had the place to ourselves.

Hayden couldn't wait to pet the baby crocodile.

Rian's favorite animal.

Riding around the zoo in style- a zebra striped jeep.

We were told it took the elephants several weeks to adjust to their new habitat, but that they were all healthy and happy in their new home.  The one elephant that had been plagued with foot problems for years, had completely healed because of the new softer sand and ground he now walked around on.

Hayden and Peyton resting.  Poor Peyton- she had a fracture in her foot and had to drag around a walking cast all day- but she was such a trooper.

Jessie's favorite animal.

Rian was more interested in reading the zoo map all day than actually viewing the live animals.  She did a fine job of telling us which direction to go in order to find the animals we were looking for.

Sweet Peyton.

Hanging with Garrett was a hoot, as always.

One of the few baby animals this spring.

After we were done at the zoo, we all headed out for a relaxing lunch where the kids could just hang out, chat, and be kids.  I now have a whole new arsenal of knock-knock jokes if anyone is interested!

Rian enjoying a foot massage with lotion. (Jessie had to do a couple of "good deeds" for Rian when we got home from the zoo due to the way she was talking to her while they were riding in the Jeep stoller.)  All in all, a great day!