Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Golden Birthday

Since it was Rian's Golden Birthday (she turned 6 on Sept.6), we decided to give her a very special present- TICKETS TO THE TAYLOR SWIFT CONCERT!!!!

In Mrs. Themm's Kindergarten class, Rian picked her friend Kami to be the sun and she was the earth and she had to walk around the sun six times  representing how many times the earth has rotated around the sun since her birth.  Then the class all sang Happy Birthday to her.

Then, Rian got to sit in Mrs. Themm's very special purple chair while everyone in the class took turns saying nice things about her ("I like playing with you."  "You're nice."  "I'm glad you're in my class", etc.) It was a great afternoon for the birthday girl.

Enjoying birthday treats in class.