Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All About Me

Rian had her first show and tell presentation at school today.  She had to fill out a book titled, "All About Me" and share it with the class.  It was very cute how she drew pictures of herself and her family, wrote about her favorite food (pizza) and her favorite thing to do with her family (play Cadoo), etc.  She even included a photo of herself with her kitten, Sugar.  She was very nervous when it was her turn to share.  She didn't want to go up in front of the class, but Mrs. Themm let mom go up and sit next to her, and hold her book for her.  When she finally got the courage up to speak, her voice was barely more than a whisper. But, she did it and we were all very proud of her for being a "risk-taker" (an IB character trait) and sharing in front of the class!