Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Speak Now Concert

The excitement had been in the air for weeks leading up to the Taylor Swift Concert, but finally The Big Day had arrived!  The girls took the preparations seriously: what should they wear, who should sit next to whom, what snacks should they bring, purses or no purses, etc. etc. etc. They decided on Taylor Swift t-shirts, popcorn, and a stop at Starbuck's on the way down so no one had even a remote chance of falling asleep at any point during the show.  Mike and Tim (the devoted, loving and awesome dads that they are) took this adventure upon themselves and everyone had the greatest of times!

Everyone loves T.S.!!!

Two highly devoted fans.

Rian was a little anxious before the show, but the minute Taylor came out on stage, Rian started singing and didn't stop until it was over!

Jasmine, Tim and Sarah

Daddy scored some really great seats off Craigslist.

Completely enamored and mesmorized.

Taylor didn't disappoint, she put on a fabulous show and the four girls were just the happiest of kiddos the entire night.  Hayden and Rian were just in their glory, what an awesome outing to share with their dearest friends.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

A trip to Rocky Mountain National Park

It was the perfect weather to make a day trip to Rocky Mountain and see if the Aspen trees had started changing colors yet.  The girls were a bit angry that we wouldn't let them watch a movie in the car on the way up (our family rule is that they can only watch TV in the car if we are going to be driving for longer than an hour), but soon we started hearing comments like, "This is beautiful", "Look, the trees look like they are on fire", and "This is the best day ever".  So, even though Mike and I couldn't chat as freely as we'd have liked due to the fact that the girls' ears weren't covered with headphones, we loved that they were appreciating the beauty of nature and taking in the fall sights. 

The view from Trail Ridge Rd.

Apparently, Jessie was very kissable today.

See what I mean?  No one can resist!

After stopping to enjoy the view and driving along Trail Ridge Rd. for quite a ways, we decided to stop and have some lunch at one of the observation areas.  It was the perfect place for a picnic, until the very aggressive chipmunks decided to show up to the party.

These little guys were crazy! They would literally come up to you and try to steal the food right out of your hand.  After a couple of close calls, we packed up the food and headed back to the car and drove to the Gem Lake hiking trail.

Though we didn't make it anywhere near the 3.4 mile round trip hike (and needless to say, we never saw even a glimpse of "Gem Lake"), everyone was in a great mood and Mike didn't end up carrying anyone the entire time!

Nothing like a little dose of Mother Nature to bring sisters closer together.

Taking a break inside the mouth of a little cave.

Our last stop of the day- the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory- where we spent $25 on two caramel apples and two little bags of gummy bears! As you can see, everyone seemed to think it was worth the splurge!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

All About Me

Rian had her first show and tell presentation at school today.  She had to fill out a book titled, "All About Me" and share it with the class.  It was very cute how she drew pictures of herself and her family, wrote about her favorite food (pizza) and her favorite thing to do with her family (play Cadoo), etc.  She even included a photo of herself with her kitten, Sugar.  She was very nervous when it was her turn to share.  She didn't want to go up in front of the class, but Mrs. Themm let mom go up and sit next to her, and hold her book for her.  When she finally got the courage up to speak, her voice was barely more than a whisper. But, she did it and we were all very proud of her for being a "risk-taker" (an IB character trait) and sharing in front of the class!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Sunflowers and Rainbows

Keeping with our annual tradition, we snuck into the Sunflower Fields in Longmont to take some pictures of the girls with the flowers.

Later that same day, we walked out onto our deck after a rainstorm and saw a bright double rainbow.  Hayden took this picture of one of them.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

How many birthday celebrations can one kid possibly have?

Today we celebrated Rian's birthday with her friends at Lollilock's Salon.  They did a spa theme and all the girls got their fingers and toes painted and a fancy hairdo.  They rocked out to music while playing their guitars, made some lotion using the magical lolly potion, did a craft, and ate cupcakes to celebrate.

Scarlett's fancy up-do

Rock-n-roll queen

Jasmine's fancy dancy fingers.

Rian with her pony tail veil.

Sarah with her elegant braids in her spa robe.

Tara sporting a teased out bun.

Making lotion: mango, cherry and strawberry.

Ripping into her present from the Kensoras.

A beauty salon set for Rian's American Girl doll.

Rian with her BFF Jasmine