Sunday, October 6, 2013

Miller's Farm

It had been chilly and rainy the past couple of days, so when we woke up on Sunday morning and saw sunshine and warmth in the forecast, Mike decided to take the day off and go to Miller's Farm with us in Frederick, Co. After a quick stop in Longmont for another round of breakfast burritos (the girls' favorite) we were on our way.

They were having a great pumpkin sale:  $30 for a wagon full.  And you could be very creative about how you loaded your wagon.  All kinds of squash (hubbard, acorn, butternut, spaghetti), gourds, mini-pumpkins, potatoes and onions were included in the deal.  We were told by the people at the farm that you were either a "slacker" or a "stacker" so we gave it our best shot at falling into the latter category.

Rian found her pumpkin right off the bat.

Hayden searched and searched, but finally chose this beauty. And Jessie didn't care about pumpkins at all- she was more interested in running back and forth across "the yellow brick road" they had near the pumpkin patch 100 times. 

After a lot of trial and error, we finally had a wagon full we were all proud of.  The onions, gourds and mini-pumpkins were great to help with the balancing and stacking of the larger squash and pumpkins. 

Very carefully we had the girls pose by our haul- but not too close! After loading everything up in our car, we spent a couple of hours exploring the other fun things the farm had to offer.

Rian and Jessie got a real kick out of this GIANT chair.

On your marks, get set, GO!

Everyone had fun racing the little "go-carts" around the dirt track.  Mike and Hayden always turn it into a big competition.  Rian and I are just happy to mosey around the track and enjoy the ride.

Jessie finally decided to try it out and let Hayden drive her around for awhile.  (Fast forward four years, I see this same scenario repeating itself, only in a real car!). 


Who could resist sledding down a big dirt hill?


 I think the giant pillow jump was everyone's favorite activity of the day.  Mike nearly had a heart attack watching them, but they jumped and jumped and jumped to their heart's content. 

We were happy to enjoy another beautiful fall day outdoors.  We are hoping there will be many more before winter sets in!