Sunday, September 29, 2013

Sunflower Farm 2013

Every year we make a trip to Sunflower Farm in Longmont, CO.  This year we were excited to have our good friends, Kristin and Spence come too, along with their kids: Carter, Calvin, Lena and Lauren.  It was rainy and cold the previous day, so we were thrilled when we woke up to sunshine and clear skies.  After a quick stop for breakfast burritos on the way, it was time to explore the land. 

The weather was perfect and the kids all got along great.  There is always so much to do that we run out of time before we see it all, but the kids had a great time enjoying the freedom to roam.  We didn't see much of Hayden, Carter and Lena, as they were always off crawling through bushes looking for chicken eggs or climbing trees. 

Lauren had fun pushing Hayden and Jess on the hammock swing.


You would have never known looking at this photo that so much of the surrounding area had been devastated by the worst floods in Colorado history only two weeks prior. 

Hayden had a whole collection of feathers by the day's end:  turkey, bird, chicken and peacock.  (Let's just say mom made her use quite a bit of hand sanitizer by the time she was through.)


A lot of the birds and fowl were nesting so we were able to see quite a few of their babies. 

Everyone took a turn on the zipline. 


And the horse-tire swing.


There are so many neat tree forts and suspension bridges made out of rope that the kids never got tired of it. 

Calvin kept trying to freak me out with the dung beetle he befriended and carried around with him for two hours. 

The peacocks enjoyed hanging out on the roof of this barn and also on the branches of the tree above!




Jessie had a particularly good time playing in the giant sand pit and making pretend food to feed the family.

These cows had the longest "hair" I had ever seen. 

Lauren and Jessie. 

Three teachers to a classroom????

Climbing on all the antique tractors and pretending to drive is always a big hit.  It was a great day spent with friends and enjoying the outdoors.  Happy Fall!!!