Off to 7th grade.
Our 2nd grader.
Rian reunited with some of her friends from the year before. (Sage, Jordan and Vinnie). Jessie and Kaia are on the end.
Kindergarten Open House- Jessie had fun coloring a person to look just like her, seeing where her desk was, meeting new friends and exploring the classroom. Before we left, we read The Kissing Hand, which has been a tradition with all three of my girls at the Open House.
We couldn't have been more thrilled to have Ms. Themm- for the 3rd time!!!!
After much deliberation on what to wear and trips to probably 8 shoe stores to find the right shoes, Jessie was ready for her first official day of Kindergarten.
She had fun showing off her skills on the monkey bars before school.
Waiting for the teacher to greet all the kids in line after the bell rang. Have a great first day Miss Jess. You can do it!