Thursday, June 13, 2013

Korean Heritage Camp 2013

Every year the girls and I really look forward to Heritage Camp. This year was going to be even better because daddy was able to join us for the first time! I  feel bad because Korean Heritage Camp falls over Father's Day weekend every year.  So it was great that the girls would be able to spend Father's Day in the mountains with Mike.  Rian was very excited that she was going to be able to show him "the ropes" with regards to what goes on during the four day weekend at camp.  We rented a nice condo in Fraser, CO and once we arrived Mike and the girls played a game of Monopoly while I unpacked and got us settled. 
Our condo was very nice, clean and newly remodeled.  We loved it!  And without realizing it, Kristin and Spence and their four kids were staying at the same complex a couple of buildings down.  So we were able to eat dinner together and visit a couple of the nights before heading back to camp.

The girls' room.

Mom and dad's room.

Ready for Opening Ceremony. 

I always love watching the parade of children as they head onstage in their traditional clothing.  And the giant hanbok backdrop is just beautiful.

Loving sisters.

The women drummers.

Jessie making a new friend at orientation.

Rian getting used to her group.

Jessie loved being as close as possible to all her wonderful counselors.


Energy was high the first day of camp!

Hayden and dad opted not to take the classes at camp with us, but they did come to all the fun evening activities and opening and closing ceremonies.  It was nice for them to spend a little one-on-one time together in the wilderness!

They went on some pretty nice hikes.




And even found some snow!



Tickets in hand at the Saturday Night Carnival.

Rian enjoyed all the games this year.

And amazingly, her ping pong ball landed in the cup of green water, earning her a nice prize!

Jessie preferred to spend her tickets on nail polish and tattoos. 

Rian and her friend.


The girls with Emily and Sarah- the two most favorite counselors year after year!


Jessie and Clementine.


The counselors all did a dance together. 

Rian with her prize that she won at the silent auction.

Enjoying the hot tub on Sunday morning before check out. 

Peeking on the girls in the hot tub.

Hayden spent a lot of time this weekend teaching herself origami.  She made owls, cranes, canoes, Chinese clothes, boxes, etc. and decorated the condo with them all. 


Origami collection on the mantle.

Our good family friend, Veronica, also adopted from South Korea.

Something about the mountain air that brings out the silliness in us all. 


They had lots of fun field games and activities the last morning of camp before Closing Ceremony.  It was also a great time to have friends and counselors sign the girls' camp shirts and take pictures of everyone they had made strong connections with throughout the weekend. 

Rian has had Sarah as a counselor for the past three years and absolutely adores her.


Some of the second grade bunch!

I think Jessie was carried the majority of the weekend.  Charming little thing that she is, she always managed to be in someone's arms. 

Friendly game of Frisbee. 
  I always regret not having pictures of the kids with their groups at camp or pictures of all the amazing classes and presenters the adults partake in.  They do show a slideshow at the end of the weekend with hundreds of pictures of all that goes on during camp which we usually purchase and the kids watch at home over and over again.  We are truly blessed to live in Colorado where they offer such amazing opportunities for kids adopted from all over the world.  Next up, Vietnamese Heritage Camp in July! 

Keeping with tradition, at the end of camp, two adoptees sing "The Adoption Song".  It is always a tearjerker. 

Rian was particularly moved by the words of the song this year.
What a great weekend full of fun, family, friends and making new memories!