Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fool's!!!!

We always like to do something a little different to weird our kids out on April Fool's Day.  Sometimes it's wearing our underwear on the outside of our clothes and saying that we are meeting with the principal of their school that morning, other times it's turning their milk green when they pour it over their cereal, or even serving dessert for breakfast. 

This year when they came downstairs, this is what they found. 

A nice centerpiece. 

Chairs 10 sizes too small.

And all the silverware had mysteriously disappeared. 

All Rian could find to eat her pancakes with was this spatula. 

Hayden used this pair of tongs.

Jessie was a good sport about the whole thing and tried to use her melon scooper, but resorted to using her fingers.

Grandpa even got in on the action and left his own April Fool's joke for the girls.  He wrapped up empty water bottles in paper and aluminum foil to look like breakfast burritos from their favorite place in Longmont. 

Hayden didn't think it was all that amusing.

Rian found it hilarious!