Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Inquiry Night

All of the 6th grade Gifted and Talented students had to do an Inquiry project this year outside of school.  Each student had to pick a topic they were passionate about and find a mentor within the community who could teach them all they knew about their subject. They had to meet with their mentor a minimum of six times and compile all their research into a presentation and a product.

Hayden's mentor was Dr. Tammy Jenkins of the Natural Health Center of the Rockies in Fort Collins.  She finally narrowed her topic down to Sugar, and all the ill effects it causes on the body. Here are some pictures of Tammy's office, and the vials she uses to test patients for different allergies, viruses, bacteria, parasites and just about any other health issue you can think of. 

Some of the natural supplements she uses in treating patients.


Working on Hayden's pamphlet.

Showing Hayden how muscle testing works. 

On Inquiry Night, each student had to get up on-stage in the auditorium and present a slideshow of their topic and their research.

Her presentation went off without a hitch.  She was poised, knowledgeable and threw in a touch of humor at just the right time.  She didn't appear nervous at all.

After the presentations were over, everyone headed to the cafeteria where each student had a display set up showcasing their topic, research and final product.  Community members walked around from student to student asking questions and obtaining information.

Hayden's display included information on natural medicine, antibiotics, symptoms of sugar withdrawal, alternatives to sugar, how sugar meets all the criteria for an addictive substance, and tips for living a healthier life.  Her product was a pamphlet with some of the information listed above, along with recipes and websites with additional information on alternatives to sugar (ie. honey, stevia, coconut sugar, etc.) 

She was really well received by her audience and people seemed genuinely interested in hearing what she had to say.  I think she was proud of the result and glad that all the hard work had paid off.

The exhibits by the other students were equally impressive.  What a talented bunch of 6th graders! 

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Hayden turns the big 1-2!!!

Each time one of my kids has a birthday, I am completely baffled as to how another year has passed.  Last time I turned around, Hayden was graduating from 5th grade and anxiously anticipating middle school and here we are in the final few weeks of sixth grade.  It has for the most part, been a great year and Hayden has truly become a mature pre-teen. 

Rian got up early on Hayden's birthday to set up a "Birthday Queen station" for her.  She put pillows, blankets, a table with her Ipad on it, and a hand-typed spa menu for her to choose the services she wanted Rian to indulge her in.  ( I believe she picked a pedicure and massage!). 

Rian also served Hayden her birthday breakfast which included her favorite donut from The Donut Haas along with a banana.

Here is the birthday girl with her homemade crown from Rian.  Wow, I wish I had a sister so sweet! 
Hayden decided she would like to go rock climbing with a few friends to help celebrate her birthday.  Everyone met at Inner Strength rock climbing gym in Fort Collins to get their climb on! 

Sarah reached the top of her first climb, no problem!

Katie did equally well.

Hayden has always been somewhat of a monkey, and enjoyed challenging herself on some of the harder routes to the top.

Sklyar repelling down.

Jessie getting basic climbing instructions. 

That girl can climb!

Rian did great on her climbs too!

After climbing time was over we headed to TCBY for a well-earned treat.


According to Rian's face, picking out toppings is very serious business!



Still just a silly kid at heart.


At home that night, we celebrated with a cake Hayden baked and decorated completely on her own.  Happy Birthday sweet girl!!!xo

Monday, April 1, 2013

April Fool's!!!!

We always like to do something a little different to weird our kids out on April Fool's Day.  Sometimes it's wearing our underwear on the outside of our clothes and saying that we are meeting with the principal of their school that morning, other times it's turning their milk green when they pour it over their cereal, or even serving dessert for breakfast. 

This year when they came downstairs, this is what they found. 

A nice centerpiece. 

Chairs 10 sizes too small.

And all the silverware had mysteriously disappeared. 

All Rian could find to eat her pancakes with was this spatula. 

Hayden used this pair of tongs.

Jessie was a good sport about the whole thing and tried to use her melon scooper, but resorted to using her fingers.

Grandpa even got in on the action and left his own April Fool's joke for the girls.  He wrapped up empty water bottles in paper and aluminum foil to look like breakfast burritos from their favorite place in Longmont. 

Hayden didn't think it was all that amusing.

Rian found it hilarious! 

Owl watching

We have been keeping our eye on the owl nest across the street from our house for the past few weeks.  The mama has been sitting in her nest nonstop and now we know why- she had been sitting on her eggs which hatched a few days back.  The owlets are so fuzzy and cute and the mama is very proud.  The dad often sits on the branch next to the nest. 

The girls have fun checking on the owls with their binoculars.

Not the greatest picture, but this is the mama! Her owlets are hiding behind her.

We watched them all Spring and boy, did those owlets grow FAST!!! Here is one of them sitting on a branch.

Papa Owl flying away. 
