Sunday, June 24, 2012

Blue Hair, Watermelon and P&G

The blue hair divas were trying out their hair clips in anticipation of the 4th of July.

Every summer, Rian eats the most watermelon out of anyone in the family.

We were delighted to have our old neighbors and Hayden's close friends, Peyton and Garrett over for the weekend.  They live south of Denver now and we don't see them nearly enough. We went out to lunch and Menchies for dessert, hung out at home and then blew Garrett's mind by taking him to Nordy's for all-you-can-eat BBQ ribs for dinner.  It was great to have them and the kids all slept out in the tent in our backyard.  (After the smores, of course!). 

The next morning, we made a nice healthy breakfast, the kids played out back and watched a movie before heading back down to Denver.  We miss you P & G, come back soon!