Friday, January 13, 2012

San Diego Zoo

We love to go to California every January to seek some warmth and relaxation before heading back to Colorado to brave the rest of the cold winter months.  This year we were fortunate to again have grandma and grandpa come along. We started our trip with a visit to the San Diego Zoo.  It was the most beautiful day of weather we had the whole time- a sunny and very warm 75 degrees!  We were in heaven.  The girls were thrilled to have Uncle Jerry and Aunt Jody meet us at the zoo and spent the entire day with us. 

The girls are always so happy to see Aunt Jody!

Aunt Jody showed the girls how to get a foot massage.

Hayden hasn't been able to pass up a penny squishing maching ever since she was a little girl!

The panda bears are Jessie's favorite (and mine too).  We always spend a lot of time at their exhibit.  There weren't any babies this year, but we weren't disappointed. We got to watch the one bear eat his meal of bamboo and it was quite a show!

Rian wanted a caricature of her riding a zebra so grandma was kind enough to indulge her!

The finished product.

Rian's favorite- the zebras.

Jessie spent some time at the zoo thinking about making good choices.

The entrance to the Polar Bear Plunge exhibit.

One meal for a polar bear filled an entire large refridgerator, that's a lot of food!

A replica of one of the bears at the zoo.  It is the largest polar bear in captivity. The real polar bears were being elusive the day we were there, but the kids had fun playing around the exhibit area anyway.

I think the highlight of the day for Rian and Jessie was riding the SkyRide several times!

Rian and Uncle Jerry

Hayden's favorite of course, were the snake and reptile exhibits. Look what she found at the gift shop.

The end of a very fun and relaxing day.

We ended the day with a nice dinner at P.F. Chang's.