Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a nice relaxing Thanksgiving this year.  Mom started out the day at a Sun Salutations Yoga class, which was a great way to start off the weekend- and the girls all helped with various cooking projects throughout the day.

Rian helped mom make the pumpkin pie.

Jessie helped daddy with the cranberries, and also helped keep Sugar entertained!

Mike made two really delicious and moist turkeys on the grill.

Hayden helped baste the turkeys. Grandma and Grandpa came over at three o'clock and brought a nice fruit salad and a green bean casserole.  We also had candied yams, stuffing, cranberries, acorn squash stuffed with apples and cinnamon, and three kind of pie for dessert! (apple, pumpkin ad pumpkin pecan- thanks to our neighbors the Willsons).

 We said prayers of Thanksgiving, and then had a toast using sparkling cider. It was a nice low key way to spend the holiday.

What a handsome pair!

Rian, the carnivore of the family, delighted in eating the turkey leg AGAIN this year.

The next three members of Overeaters Anonomyous. Though all of our bellies were a bit distended by the time we were done, only these three bellies were cute enough to photograph! After dinner, Grandma and Grandpa and the girls watched "Polar Express" on daddy's big TV in the basement, while mom and dad cleaned up dinner and the kitchen.  After that, we were all too tired to do anything but relax.  Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
