Saturday, August 27, 2011

Jessie and mom's trip to Embassy Suites

Keeping with the annual tradition of spending a fun weekend with each child separately, it was finally Jessie's turn for some one-on-one time with mom.  She decided we should stay local (we had enough points to stay at the Embassy Suites in Loveland for free!) and have some "girlie" fun.

First on Jessie's list was a stop at Diva Nails, where we both enjoyed a pedicure.  Jessie was probably their smallest client ever, and had a hard time getting her feet to reach the warm and bubbly water! She was a LITTLE too comfortable being pampered.

After being pampered we had worked up quite an appetite, so Jessie decided we should have lunch at Whole Foods.

Next on Jessie's agenda- shopping.  We went to Charming Charlie's, Claire's, the toy store, the book store, and of course, Macy's.  Then I had to tell Jessie I was too tired to shop anymore and we checked into our hotel to rest!

We got settled in our room, Jessie took some pictures on my camera, we played restaurant using the hotel phone and notepad/pen, and then headed to a nice dinner at P.F. Changs- where Jessie ate an entire order of pork dumplings and spinach stir fried with garlic!  Then we relaxed in the hotel hot tub before reading books in our "big bed". 
The next morning we ate a nice cooked to order breakfast at the hotel, threw several pennies into the wishing well, and headed home.  It was so much fun to focus on having fun and giggling together, just the two of us! 

Monday, August 22, 2011

First day of school

First day of Kindergarten

Rian learned how to do the monkey bars!

We were all so excited that Rian has Mrs. Themm for her teacher this year!

For the first day, Rian's class had an open house where she did a few projects and got acquainted with her teacher, classmates, and classroom. Then we left and spent a special afternoon together- Rian even got her nails painted fancy and prepared for her first real day of school on Tuesday.

First full day of school- leading the line of kindergarteners inside.

First day of 5th grade

Hayden and her best friend since Kindergarten, Colley Tobin, found each other on the playground right away and were inseparable, as usual.

It seems like only yesterday Hayden started Kindergarten and now she will soon be graduating from 5th grade!!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

We decided to get Rian and Jessie's pictures taken in their birthcountry's traditional clothing.  They both had a lot of fun with the photographer and I think we got some great pictures out of the experience!

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Big Sleepover

The Big Sleepover began with Hayden packing her bags and heading down to Sarah's house Friday after lunch and Jasmine coming to our house with a suitcase full of gear.  All four girls spent weeks planning this BIG event, brainstorming what they were going to do, deciding what to pack, making and revising lists, etc.  Everyone was very excited.  Rian and Jasmine spent all afternoon playing and crossing off everything on their list- dress up, hair-do's, tea party, school, art, mom and big sister, outside play, you name it.  It was a fun-filled afternoon.  After dinner and a movie, the girls read books and settled in for the night.  There was a lot of giggling going on until well after 10 pm!  They did a great job getting along and even included Jessie in on some of their activities. Everyone slept thru the night and then in the morning Mike played restaurant with the girls, and they were the "short" order cooks!

After breakfast, the girls got ready and took their babies in their strollers for a walk around and around the cul-de-sac at the end of our street.  After playing all morning, both families went to Chipotle for lunch to celebrate a successful sleepover!  Jasmine told us that she wanted to live with us forever and her new name is now Jasmine Kensora Thomas!
Hayden and her BFF Sarah had a fantastic time over at the Kensoras house and spent much of the time doing blind make-overs, baking cookies, building and sleeping in the most awesome Fort ever, and watching a movie and staying up WAY too late!!!  A splendid time was had by all. 

Friday, August 5, 2011

 We found a Shangra-La style retreat at Strawberry Hot Springs Park.  The drive from downtown Steamboat was only about twenty minutes, but the views as we headed further up into the mountains took our breath away.  Said to be one of the most spectacular mineral springs in the world, Strawberry Hot Springs is nestled alongside the Hot Springs Creek and surrounded on all sides by forest.

The view walking down to the pools.
They had several areas partitioned off in this shelter where you could change your clothes.

The pools got progressively cooler the farther down the rocks you climbed.  Because it was pretty warm outside, we preferred the pools around ninety degrees.

The flower gardens were bursting with color against the rock landscape.

One of our swimmer girls!

Taking a short hot springs "time-out".

Hayden was thrilled with all the sparkly rocks she found at the bottom of the pools.

Catching a ride.

One of the sources of the mineral springs.

                          What a great fun and relaxing way to spend the day.

 After the hot springs, we stopped at a local gelato shop for a cool treat.  Rian picked lemon gelato, Jessie picked pomegranite, and Hayden chose a mix of strawberry, vanilla and blueberry cheesecake.  Yum!

We finished the last evening of our trip unwinding in the local Little Toots Park- what a perfect name!
As the sun went down, we wandered around the grounds and reflected on what a good week it had been.